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The first Haliburton Lake Trout were stocked into Miskwabi Lake on April 18, 2000.  Media and local representatives were present to enjoy this milestone for the Haliburton Lake Trout Project.  Other recipient lakes included Esson Lake, Loon Lake, Lipsy Lake and Koshlong Lake.  In October 2000, during the lake trout spawning season, MNR personnel and Hatchery volunteers collected 7,000 lake Trout eggs from Kingscote Lake in Algonquin Park.  The inaugural stocking of the Kingscote Lake trout happened in April 2002.  Over 5,000 lake trout were stocked into Percy Lake, Harburn Township.  Since 2000, the HHOA Hatchery has successfully raised and stocked over 700,000!

In cooperation with the Ministry of Natural Resources, the Haliburton Fish Hatchery has been working with two other district organizations to raise and culture natural strains of lake trout within our region.  Beginning in 2003, the Haliburton Fish Hatchery accepted 5,000 lake trout eggs from Crystal Lake in Mazinaw.  In 2004, we accepted 5,000 lake trout eggs from Palmerston Lake in Ompah.  These two projects by the MNR are following the precepts of the Haliburton Lake Trout Project to rehabilitate natural strains of lake trout.  In 2006 we accepted eggs from Ashby Lake in Bancroft and in 2007 we accepted eggs from Weslomkoon Lake in Bancroft.  Bancroft went on to build their own hatchery in 2008 (North Hastings Community Fish Hatchery) and has since then raised their own natural species of lake trout.  In 2009 and 2010 we accepted 7,000 eggs from Lake of Bays each year to raise and stock their lakes.

This has been a very interesting and exciting time for all involved.  Increasing public awareness and genetic studies on the natural strains has been very beneficial to creating friendships and more provincial awareness about natural lake trout rehabilitation and the importance of protecting these natural strains.  The increase in communications and transfer of knowledge is one of the most important aspects of the project.

Haliburton Highlands Outdoors Association
Fish Stocking



A short stocking update. As a result of the COVID-19 restrictions, we had a shorter stocking list this year. Only truck stocking was a available. In spite of this we did managed, with a small crew, to stock approximately 12,000 Lake Trout already. Our 20,000 Rainbow Trout will be sticking around until group restrictions are eased, as their retrieval requires quite a few people.

Here is a fairly recent video of them feeding.

(Randy Charter)

Stocking lake trout April 2020.jpg
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Haliburton Highlands Outdoors Association Fish Hatchery
6712 Gelert Road,
Haliburton, ON
K0M 1S0
705 457-9664


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